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  • Arrive 5 minutes prior to start of class time.
  • You may park anywhere in the shared parking lot.
  • If you are late, please enter quietly and if the class has already started the relaxation exercise, please sit at the entryway and wait to roll out your mat until the centering practice is finished.
  • Please do not walk into the studio during the last 15 minutes of a scheduled class, as students will be practicing relaxation. The noise of someone entering is very disruptive to the beneficial effects of relaxation.
  • You are encouraged to bring your own yoga mat, but studio mats are available.
  • All props – blankets, blocks, straps, bolsters, etc. – are provided.
  • It is best to drink water before and after yoga, rather than during.
  • Please do not bring food into the studio.
  • It is not safe to eat or chew gum while practicing yoga.
  • Turn off cell phones. Allow yourself to step away from the outside world for 1 hour!